AQUA Biennial Meeting 2018, Canberra – Student and ECR travel prize

AQUA is offering six $500 travel prizes to (help) fund attendance at the AQUA biennial meeting in Canberra Dec 10 – 14 this year.

AQUA will award prizes to undergraduate or post-graduate students, early-career researchers (within 5 years of completion of a PhD) or to people with other compelling issues (e.g. to people who are currently unemployed, without continuing employment or who have otherwise little external funds to support attendance).

Application Form

For consideration of support, applicants must be current members of AQUA and have submitted an abstract to present either a talk or a poster at the conference. Awards will be granted based on the benefit to the recipient and the AQUA community (e.g. that you will present exciting research we should all hear about!)Please NB that the application form specifically asks as to whether you have alternative sources of support for your attendance: if you are a student currently enrolled you need to get a supervisor (etc) to sign that this is the case. Students who are awarded an AQUA Travel Award are also expected to write a short report for the next edition of Quaternary Australasia.

Please return completed application forms and a copy of the submitted abstract to the AQUA (Shadow) Secretary by the 31st October (sorry about the tight deadlines). Submissions should be via email to