The advent of the Anthropocene in Australasia

We’d love your opinion on this article!! Please head to and choose your preferred definition of “The Anthropocene”. If you choose the option of “other” then please email with your other.Votes close at the end of September.   First published in Quaternary Australasia, July 2015. – PDF version Helen C. Bostock1, David J. Lowe2, Richard Gillespie3, Rebecca Priestley4, Rewi…

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AQUA t-shirts for sale!

Super stylish AQUA t-shirts are now available to purchase! T-shirts are light blue and feature an AQUA logo on the front, and a quaternary-inspired design by Emily Field on the back. T-shirts are only $39, including postage within Australia and New Zealand!   Currently, we only have sizes L, XL, and 2XL available, however smaller…

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Congratulations to Matt Ryan

PhD student Matt Ryan from Victoria University in Wellington, NZ was awarded a Student Poster award at the recent INQUA congress in Japan. With many hundreds of posters presented at the conference, this is an excellent achievement for Matt. Congratulations!

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Blog 13: LGM in NZ through the lens of cosmogenic studies

By Ignacio Jara The issue of whether the last glacial-interglacial transition was synchronous between the Northern Hemisphere (NH) and Southern Hemisphere (NH) has been an ongoing and often controversial debate amongst Quaternarists. There is now considerable amounts of proxy data for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; 22-19 ka) and the Last Glacial Termination (19-11 ka)…

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NEW Constitution

AQUA has a new constitution that was proposed and accepted at the recent AQUA 2014 Special General Meeting in Mildura. It was accepted by consumer affairs (Australia) on the 31st of July 2014. You can download and read the new constitution on the Committee and Constitution page. Look out for a short article in the upcoming QA (December 2014) about…

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