AQUA biennial meeting 6th to 8th December 2022, Adelaide
The AQUA 2022 conference organisers are offering up to four student travel awards valued at up to AU$1000 each to support attendance and presentation at the biennial meeting in Adelaide on 6th to 8th December 2022. We may award one prize of up to $1500 in case of special need (e.g. where travel from remote locations is particularly costly).
To be considered for support, applicants must be, or must become, current members of AQUA and have submitted an abstract to present either a talk or a poster at the conference. Awards will be granted according to the assessment criteria detailed below. Please visit to become a member or renew your membership.
Please return the completed application documents via email to Kym Edwards ( by 12th August 2022. Outcomes will be announced by 22nd August.
A second round of student travel awards covering flights have been made possible by generous support from AINSE. Please submit your application by the 12th of September to Kym Edwards. We will endeavour to notify successful applicants by the 23rd of September.
Eligibility criteria
To be eligible, a student must:
1. be a current member of AQUA or become a member before the award is provided.
2. be enrolled in a higher degree by research at the time of application.
3. submit an abstract for a first-authored oral or poster presentation along with the application.
4. have a genuine financial need to request travel support. Students with full institutional or grant support for attendance are not eligible.
5. submit all required application documents by the deadline.
6. agree to write a short report for a future edition of Quaternary Australasia.
Assessment criteria
Travel awards will be assessed by a group of the local organising committee (see below) and applications will be ranked primarily according to (i) financial need and, or, lack of other funding, with secondary consideration given to (ii) benefit to the recipient and AQUA community, and (iii) quality of the abstract, as evidenced by the required application documents.
Incomplete or late applications will not be considered by the assessment committee.
Priority will be given to students who have not previously received AQUA travel awards.
The AQUA travel awards are intended to support students who lack full institutional or grant funding to attend the biennial meeting. As funding is limited, we ask students not to apply if they already have other funding to support their travel.
All information provided will be treated as strictly confidential
Assessment Committee:
Lee Arnold, Kym Edwards, and John Tibby.
Required documents
1. One page cover letter outlining a summary of financial need, lack of other funding, anticipated benefits to your research and AQUA community, a simple budget (travel, accommodation and food) and very brief outline of your HDR research.
2. A statement of support from your primary supervisor outlining no other project, internal or alternative funding availability (download template here)
3. A copy of your first-authored AQUA abstract to be submitted to the conference.
4. An abbreviated academic CV.