Leaders: Colin Murray-Wallace, Patrick De Deckker and John Tibby
This trip will investigate the now classic Quaternary history of the Coorong coastal plain and the lower lakes region. The trip will be principally based on the guidebook developed by John Cann and outlined in this guide.
The excursion will provide an overview of the complex dynamics of coastal barrier and associated back-barrier lagoon sedimentation in the Coorong Lagoon and terminal lakes of the River Murray. The excursion will also examine Holocene lagoon and saline lake development, as well as formation of the Woakwine Range, an aeolianite beach-dune barrier complex of Last Interglacial age (MIS 5e) and its neotectonic significance.
Cost: $60 regular, $40 students and concession. Places are limited to the first 40 people.
Includes: Bus transport and packed lunch
Friday 9th December. Departure time: 8 am. Return to University of Adelaide: 6 pm
Murray-Wallace, C. V. (2018) Quaternary History of the Coorong Coastal Plain, Southern Australia – An archive of environmental and global sea-level changes. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, Switzerland, 229 pp. [Hardback: ISBN: 978-3-319-89341-9; eBook – 978-3-319-89342-6]
Mosley, L., Yi, Q., Shepherd, S.A., Hemming, S.J., and Fitzpatrick, R.W. (2018) Natural history of the Coorong, Lower Lakes, and Murray Mouth Region (Yarluwar-Ruwe). (University of Adelaide Press on behalf of Royal Society of South Australia: Adelaide)
Free download here: https://www.adelaide.edu.au/press/titles/natural-history-cllmm