Pre conference workshops: 24th June held at Moreton Bay Research Station from 10am to 4pm.
Workshop 1 – Ground Penetrating Radar techniques – run by Allen Gontz
Workshop 2 – Geochronology: From the field to models – workshop with an introduction to Optically Stimulated Luminescence and Radiocarbon dating and a hands on Bayesian modelling workshop introducing users to rbacon, rplum and OxCal. Sponsored by CABAH.
Post-conference workshop – 29-30th June (Saturday and Sunday) at Queensland University of Technology in central Brisbane
Workshop 3 – 2 day NEOTOMA pollen database training workshop for 8-12 people – run by Simon Haberle and Annika Herbert
Pre-conference field trip details – 22-23rd June (Saturday and Sunday)
Optional pre-conference field trip to visit theGondwana Rainforest World Heritage Area (Cunningham’s Gap) for short bush walk. Stay overnight at Clifton in local pubs. Visit the private Pleistocene megafauna museum and walk along a fossil deposit at King Creek.