Please join AQUA and support its activities in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Region. As part of your membership you will receive a digital copy of Quaternary Australasia, which is published twice per year.
Membership Fees
- Full member – AU$70
- Student/Concession member – AU$25
Membership is valid for one year, from January 1st to December 31st. Membership is due by February 28th for each calendar year. While members are welcome to renew their membership at any time throughout the year, their membership will only be valid until December 31st, and late subscriptions will not be adjusted pro-rata.
By becoming an AQUA member, you agree to abide by the association’s code of conduct.
You can sign up or renew your membership here.
We also have an e-mail list – AQUAlist – used by the Australasian Quaternary Association to disseminate information on Quaternary topics. To subscribe/unsubscribe to this list go to
The list can be used to notify other members of the Quaternary community of job vacancies, upcoming conferences, funding opportunities and new research. It can also serve as an unmoderated forum for discussion of Quaternary topics. Subscribing members can send their messages to:
Please do not send large attachments and only send stuff that is relevant to the Quaternary community in Australia/New Zealand.
Upcoming events, jobs, and new papers can also be posted on the AQUA Facebook page, the AQUA ECR Facebook Page, the @AusQuaternary twitter account, and the bluesky account.
If you have any question regarding AQUA membership or your membership status please contact the AQUA Secretary (